Add tags - Manual - SIMATIC S7 Connector - Industrial Edge - Industrial Edge App

SIMATIC S7 Connector

SIMATIC S7 Connector
Product Version
en-US (original)

You can add a data point or tag from a data source in the S7 Connector. Datapoints are referred as Tags.


  • S7 Connector must be running
  • A data source must be available

To add a tag to a data source, follow the below steps:

  1. Open S7 Connector in Common Configurator.
    S7 Connector Overview page appears.
  2. Click the Tags tab.
    The tag page appears.
  3. Click 178152828683-d2e4151 icon to the right side of the data source.
    The Add Tag dialog box is displayed based on the selected data source as follows:
  4. Update the following fields:

    Filed name Details
    Name Name of the tag.
    Comment Add the comments if required
    Address Address of the data point in the controller or on the server.
    Data type Specifies the data point type. For more information about data types, refer Data types.
    Acquisition cycle Specifies the acquisition cycle with which the data is sent to the Databus.
    Acquisition mode Specifies the acquisition mode of the data.
    Access mode Specifies the access mode of the tags.

    * Indicates that all fields are mandatory.

  5. Click Save.
    Tag is added to the data source.


Alternate way to add tags
Tags can also be added by importing file from TIA portal. For more information, refer Import configurations.