SIMATIC SCADA export - Manual - SIMATIC S7 Connector - Industrial Edge - Industrial Edge App

SIMATIC S7 Connector

SIMATIC S7 Connector
Product Version
en-US (original)


  • Common Import Converter must be installed on the IED.
  • A TIA Portal project with configured PLCs and Tags must be available.
  • SIMATIC SCADA Export for TIA Portal.
    This Add-On tool for the TIA Portal exports all the required information from the TIA Portal project and makes it available as an export file for the Common Configurator. You can download it and find additional information here: SIMATIC SCADA Export for TIA Portal.
  • The connections to the desired PLCs must be configured in the Common Configurator.
    If a PLC has more than one Ethernet interface, the import includes all IP addresses. Before proceeding, delete the addresses you do not need.


To export the SIMATIC SCADA file from the TIA Portal project, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Add-On Tool SIMATIC SCADA Export for TIA Portal from Siemens Industry Online Support and perform the installation on the PC where also the TIA Portal is running.
  2. Compile the TIA Portal project.


    Compile the TIA Portal project each time before exporting so that the export provides consistent data.

  3. Then right-click the desired PLC and select the command Export to SIMATIC SCADA from the Auto-Hotspot shortcut menu:


    Only export tags for one PLC in a single step.

    An export file is created in .zip format.

  4. Repeat the process for additional PLCs if necessary.