Topic structure for data and metadata - Manual - SIMATIC S7 Connector - Industrial Edge - Industrial Edge App

SIMATIC S7 Connector

SIMATIC S7 Connector
Product Version
en-US (original)

This section describes the topic structure for Data and Metadata. The recommended structure of topic naming is as follows:

Tags data


It is made of the following elements:


Tags metadata


It is made of the following elements:


The following table explains the above elements:

Element Description Possible Values
payloadType This indicates what the payload contains. 'd' for data
'm' for metadata
encoding This indicates payload encoding. 'j' for JSON
msgStructureScheme This indicates payload format schema model. simatic
msgStructureSchemeVersion This indicates payload format schema version number v1
provideAppInstanceId This indicates unique id of provider app. 's7c1' for SIMATIC S7 Connector instance 1
payloadMsgType This indicates payload message content. 'dp': DataPoints for PLC Variables (process image)
'ev': Events for PLC Fulltext Alarms, HMI Alarms
accessmode This is an app specific element. This indicates the purpose of the payload for SIMATIC S7 Connector as it would support both read and write of Data Points. 'r' for Read from Connectors
'w' for write to Connectors
connectionname This is an app specific element. This indicates unique name provided in Connector for a connection to a PLC in SIMATIC S7 Connector. Paintshop1PLC
collectionname This is an app specific element. This indicates the collection name. 'default' for Tags published in bulk mode