How to request for the complete process image of the configured tags? - Manual - SIMATIC S7 Connector - Industrial Edge - Industrial Edge App

SIMATIC S7 Connector

SIMATIC S7 Connector
Product Version
en-US (original)

SIMATIC S7 Connector supports the Update Request functionality. This enables you to receive the complete process image of the configured tags. In case the application fails to receive the initial publish of the complete process image by the SIMATIC S7 Connector app, you can initiate request for the same.

You must add a topic in Databus in the following format to receive the configured data: ie/c/j/simatic/v1/updaterequest

where ie: industrial edge, c: control, j: json

The JSON payload structure for Update Request is as follows:


"Path" : "<connector-id>/<connection-name>/<collection-name>"


connector-id should be s7c1 and collection-name should be default for S7 Connector, since only the default collection is currently supported.

  1. For receiving the last Tag data of all deployed tags under all connections.


    "Path" : "s7c1"



  2. For receiving the last Tag data of the deployed tags under a specific connection.


     `"Path" : "s7c1/<connection-name>"`

