Payload version compatibility switch - Manual - SIMATIC S7 Connector - Industrial Edge - Industrial Edge App

SIMATIC S7 Connector

SIMATIC S7 Connector
Product Version
en-US (original)

The SIMATIC S7 Connector now supports only payload version 1.5; older versions are not supported.

Any older versions imported into IEM are automatically converted to version 1.5.

The following table provides you the functionalities of Payload version 1.5:

Functionality Payload Version 1.5
Metadata Payload for S7 Char array Data type of individual element is published as 'Char' in tag metadata Payload.
Tag data Payload for S7 Char array The individual child elements data is published separately. Any change in notifications of one child element results in publishing of only that child tag value.
Quality code in tag data Payload Quality code with enum value {0,1,2, or 3} is published in tag data Payload. But along with qc, there is a new field qx which holds all the bits data: quality code, sub status, extended substatus, flag, and limit.
  • Limits bits 0,1
  • Sub-status bits 2..5
  • Quality bits 6,7
  • Extended sub-status 8..11
  • Flags 12..15

Value in tag data Payload Value is published as per the data type and not in 'String'. For more information, refer Data Types.
Value in tag data Payload for tag write feature in mqtt publisher node Value is published as per the data type while making a 'write' request to SIMATIC S7 Connector.
Metadata Payload for all Tags Along with name, id, and dataType, following fields are also be published : accessMode, acquisitionCycleInMs and acquisitionMode