Export Tags for S7-Protocol (S7-300-400-1200-1500) and Optimized S7-Protocol (S7-1200-1500) Connection - Manual - SIMATIC S7 Connector - Industrial Edge - Industrial Edge App

SIMATIC S7 Connector

SIMATIC S7 Connector
Product Version
en-US (original)

PLC Tag Tables can be exported from TIA Portal for S7-Protocol (S7-300/400/1200/1500) and Optimized S7-Protocol (S7-1200/1500) connection. To export the XML file, follow these steps:

  1. Go to TIA Portal where PLC is configured.
  2. Go to PLC Tags folder.
  3. Click on Tag Table.
  4. Click on Export icon.
    The Export dialog box is displayed. Specify the file name with .xml extension as follows:
  5. Click OK.
    The XML file is exported.

From TIA Portal, only XML file format is supported in the SIMATIC S7 Connector.

Tags in Data Blocks cannot be exported from the TIA Portal. This can be done in SIMATIC Manager. You can configure a 'Project' for S7 Classic PLC in STEP 7 SIMATIC Manager and can use this 'Project' to create an excel sheet or XML file which can be imported in S7-Protocol (S7-300/400/1200/1500) connection in SIMATIC S7 Connector. The procedure steps are as follows:

  1. Create a project in SIMATIC Manager and save the project.
  2. Open SIMATIC WinCC Tag Converter Tool.
  3. Click on Create a new converter template to create the template file.
    Select the Path to save template file and choose s7p (*.s7p) project created from SIMATIC Manager.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Select the tags from data Block and Symbols that you want to be added in the excel sheet or XML file.
  6. Provide connection name and choose the output format as .xlsx or .xml as required. Ensure to check the checkbox to Include station name in tag/symbol name.
  7. Click Convert.
    The file is exported.