An operand of data type DINT (Double INT) has a length of 32 bits and consists of two components: a sign and a numerical value in the two's complement. The signal states of bits 0 to 30 represent the number value. The signal state of bit 31 represents the sign. The sign may assume 0 for the positive, or 1 for the negative signal state.
An operand of data type DINT occupies four BYTE in the memory.
The following table shows the properties of data type DINT:
Length (bits) | Format | Value range | Examples of value input |
32 | Signed integers (decimal system) | -2_147_483_648 to +2_147_483_647 |
32 | Binary numbers (only positive) | 2#0 to 2#0111_1111_1111_1111_111 1_1111_1111_1111 |
32 | Octal numbers (only positive) | 8#0 to 8#177_7777_7777 |
32 | Hexadecimal numbers | 16#0 to 16#7FFF_FFFF |
The following figure shows the integer +125790 as a binary number: