Procedure - Manual - SIMATIC IPC IED-OS - SIMATIC - Industrial Edge


Product Version
en-US (original)
  1. Plug in the USB flash drive into your Linux PC. We recommend to use a Debian Linux based distributions, for example Debian Linux or Ubunt

  2. Login as root user or switch to root. If the USB flash drive is mounted automatically, unmount the USB flash drive.

  3. To check the availability of the e2fsprogs package, run the following command:

    apt list --installed | grep e2fsprogs
  4. If the package is not installed, install the e2fsprogs package.

  5. To check partitions of the USB flash drive, run the lsblk command. The partitions are named like /dev/sdb.

  6. To search for unallocated space, run the fdisk <your_usb_flash_drive> command, for example fdisk /dev/sdb. You need more than 1 GB unallocated space.

  7. If there is no unallocated space more than 1 GB, delete the partition with the fdisk <your_usb_stick> command. Press d and w for writing and exiting.

  8. To create a new partition, run the fdisk <your_usb_stick> command. Press <n> and confirm by pressing <Enter> until the end. Press <w> for writing and exiting.

  9. To create an ext4 file system, run the mkfs.ext4 <usb_flash_drive_partition_created_in_step8> command, for example mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1.

  10. To label the partition, run the e2label <usb_flash_drive_partition_created_in_step8> USBONBOARD command, for example e2label /dev/sdb1 USBONBOARD.

  11. Unplug and replug the USB flash drive.

  12. Copy the onboard configuration file into the USBONBOARD named USB partition.