Mark regions of interest (ROIs)

Profile Setup

SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system
Product Version
  • ROIs are areas within the outline that you mark for the SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system to inspect.

  • There are two types of ROIs: Inspection ROI and Presence ROI.

    • Presence ROI

      Presence ROI is used to verify that a feature exists, without regard to fine details of the feature.

      • A feature in a presence ROI can be in a different position in successive inspection cycles.

    • Inspection ROI

      Inspection ROI is used to verify the integrity of a feature.

      • A feature in an inspection ROI must be rigid with regard to the part outline.

  • It is possible to mark the entire outline as an ROI.

  • It is possible to mark only specific parts of the outline as ROIs.

  • Each ROI can have excluded areas within it.

  • To add ROIs, click on the “ROIs” section in the panel on the left side of the screen, under the “Outline” section.

A screen shot of a computer Description automatically generated

Note that when the “ROIs” section is selected the “Outline” section is now white and the “ROIs” section is highlighted.

  • Mark the desired ROIs in the same way as you marked the outline.