Inspection trigger modes

Profile Setup

SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system
Product Version

To set/change the inspection trigger mode of the profile, go to Profile Settings -> Preferences.

  • In the SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system, while profile is loaded, click the A picture containing sketch, symbol, circle, design Description automatically generated
    icon in the upper left corner of the screen.

  • Select the “Preferences” tab:A picture containing text, design, tool Description automatically generated

  • Select the inspection mode you want to use:

    A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated with medium confidence
    • OFF: In this mode the SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system does not respond to trigger signals and deos not perform inspections. Use this mode if you do not want the SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system to be active.

    • Auto: Part ID provided by the PLC: In this mode, the SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system automatically identifies the part to be inspected, waits until it is stationary and without vibrations, and performs the inspection.

      • In order for the SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system to identify the part the PLC must send a new part ID to be assigned to the inspection image. If a new part ID is not sent, a new inspection will not take place.

      • When using this option, you should set an "Inspection Timeout" to suit the line restrictions. Once a trigger signal has been sent, if a part is not identified before the timeout is reached, the SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system will issue an “Alert” result stating “Part not found”.

        • It is recommended that the PLC treats the “Alert” result as NOK.

        • To set “Inspection Timeout”: In the "Iinspection Modes" screen, scroll down and set the desired value (minimum value is 500 mSec).

    • Auto – Part ID generated by the SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system: In this mode, the SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system automatically identifies the part to be inspected, waits until it is stationary and without vibrations, and performs the inspection.

      • In this mode, the SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system triggers automatically and assigns a unique part ID to the inspection image.

    • Manual: When selecting this mode, an “Inspect” button appears at the bottom center of the screen:

      In this mode, the only way to start a new inspection is to manually click the “Inspect” button or the “Space” key on the keyboard.

    • External – Part ID generated by the SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system: This mode requires the connection of an industrial sensor (i.e. a photoelectric sensor) directly to the power cable of the SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system using the dedicated connector (see the SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system installation manual for more details). A new inspection is triggered when the connected sensor emits a 24VDC signal.

      • In this mode, the PLC does not need to send a trigger signal. The SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system triggers automatically when a signal is issued by the external sensor.

    • External – Part ID provided by the PLC: This mode requires the connection of an industrial sensor (i.e., photoelectric sensor) directly to the power cable of the SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system using the dedicated connector (see SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system installation manual for more details). To start a new inspection, the PLC must send a new part ID to be assigned to the inspection image.

      • The SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system will responde to the connected external sensor signal only after receiving a new part ID from the PLC. The received part ID will be assigned to the inspection image.

      • Notes on External inspection modes (External – Part ID generated by the SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system, and External – Part ID provided by the PLC):

      • When selecting these inspection modes, you must also specify whether the connected sensor is of PNP/NPN type. To set the sensor type, scroll down in the Inspection Modes screen and select the desired type:

      • This selection option will appear in the menu only after you have selected “External – XXX” inspection mode.

      • If you select this External trigger inspection mode, rather then showing a live video stream, the SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system will instead display a timer stating the time elapsed since the last inspection:

    • Direct Trigger – Part ID generated by the SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system: This mode works in exactly the same way as “External – Part ID generated by the SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system”, but instead of receiving the trigger signal from an external sensor, the SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system receives it from the PLC. In order to generate a new inspection cycle, the PLC must send a new part ID. In this mode the new part ID is NOT assigned to the inspection image. It is only used to initiate a new inspection cycle, and the SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system assigns a unique part ID to the inspection image.

    • Direct Trigger – Part ID provided by the PLC: This mode works in exactly the same way as “External – Part ID provided by the PLC”, but instead of receiving the trigger signal from an external sensor, the SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system receives it from the PLC. In order to generate a new inspection cycle, the PLC must send a new part ID. In this mode, the new part ID is assigned to the inspection image.

      • Notes on Direct Trigger inspection modes (Direct trigger – Part ID generated by the SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system and Direct trigger – Part ID provided by the PLC):

        • If you select Direct Trigger inspection mode, rather then showing a live video stream, the SIEMENS Inspekto VIS system instead displays a timer indicating the time elapsed since the last inspection: