Driver Info API - Manual - Industrial Edge - Industrial Edge - Industrial Edge - Documentation of Industrial Edge APIs - CLI tools - Industrial Edge - References - APIs

Industrial Edge Platform Operation - APIs & References

Industrial Edge
en-US (original)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Connectivity Suite Driver Version Service
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Naming convention according:
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

syntax = "proto3";

// Include when using Protobuf-Any
// import "google/protobuf/any.proto";

package siemens.connectivitysuite.drvinfo.v1;

// Driver Info Interface Definitions

// ===========================================
// The Services Definition
service DriverInfoApi
    // Possible return values
    // - OK
    rpc GetVersionInfo( GetVersionInfoRequest ) returns ( GetVersionInfoResponse ) {};

    // Possible return values
    // - OK
    // - FAILED_PRECONDITION - no local configuration available (or accessible)
    rpc GetConfigSchema( GetConfigSchemaRequest ) returns ( GetConfigSchemaResponse ) {};

    // implementation of this call is optional
    // Possible return values
    // - OK
    // - UNIMPLEMENTED - function not supported
    // - INVALID_ARGUMENT - parameters are wrong
    // - FAILED_PRECONDITION - icon not available
    rpc GetAppIcon( GetAppIconRequest ) returns ( GetAppIconResponse ) {};

// ==================================================================
// Driver Version
message GetVersionInfoRequest {
    // void
// Version Info
message VersionInfo {

    // Version numbering according 'Semantic Versioning'
    // (see
    // Major - increment for incompatible API changes
    uint32 major = 1;
    // Minor - increment for added functionality in a backwards compatible manner
    uint32 minor = 2;
    // Patch - increment for backwards compatible bug fixes
    uint32 patch = 3;
    // Suffix - containing Build number and/or pre-release version.
    // According to the version definition of Industrial Edge OR to
    // Don't expect the string to strictly follow semver, especially for checking
    // which version is newer!!!!!
    // Can be an empty string.
    // Industrial Edge always uses "-" as the first character which is a violation of semver!
    // Here some examples for Industrial Edge version suffixes:
    //  - ""
    //  - "-0"
    //  - "-1"
    //  - "-rc.1"
    //  - "-rc.1.alpha.23773115"
    //  - "-beta.2.rc.23652691"
    //  - "-3.0"
    string suffix = 7;

    // vendor name, e.g. "Siemens AG"
    string vendor_name = 4;
    // product name, e.g. "CS S7-1500 Driver"
    string product_name = 5;
    // the documentation URL of the driver
    // e.g. the company webpage with a deep link directly the docu
    string docu_url = 6;
    // feedback url for customers, it's different for different products
    string feedback_url = 8;
message GetVersionInfoResponse {
    // version information
    VersionInfo version = 1;

// ==================================================================
// Config Schema
message GetConfigSchemaRequest {
    // void
message ConfigSchema {
    // URI of the schema
    string uri = 1;
    // JSON string with configuration schema
    string schema = 2;
message GetConfigSchemaResponse {
    // configuration schema(s)
    repeated ConfigSchema schemas = 1;

// ==================================================================
// Get Icon
message GetAppIconRequest {
  // List of supported image formats by the client
  // e.g. ["svg+xml", "png"]
  // The list is sorted in the order of preferences (most preferred at the beginning).
  // Support of "png" is mandatory by the server and the client,
  // that means it shall always be contained in this list.
  // When the client omits "png" from the list, the server is
  // nervertheless allowed to return "png" because this is mandatory.
  // For all other image formats the server shall only return a
  // format which is contained in the list and fall back to "png"
  // when nothing else matches.
  // The format names are according to image mime-type defined by
  //   but without the "image/" prefix because that is obligatory.
  //repeated string supported_image_formats = 1;

  // Requested resolution.
  // The images are square therefore only a
  // single dimension value is given here.
  // For pure vector formats like SVG the resolution might be ignored.
  // The server will return the best fitting images size it has,
  // it doesn't need to exactly match the requested size and will be scaled
  // accordingly by the client.
  // e.g. provide 150 for a 150x150 pixel PNG
  //int32 resolution = 2;
message GetAppIconResponse  {
  // Image format of the returned image.
  // The aspect rate of the image shall be 1:1 that means a square image.
  // Server should select the format with best fit for the client request
  // (best effort, don't scale the image to this size!).
  // The format names are according to image mime-type defined by
  //   but without the "image/" prefix because that is obligatory.
  // e.g. "png" or "svg+xml"
  // At the moment the only supported format is "png". We will decide in future
  // if we support more formats and introduce 'supported_image_formats'
  // in the request then.
  string image_format = 1;

  // Byte array containing the image data
  bytes image_data = 2;