Registry API - Manual - Industrial Edge - Industrial Edge - Industrial Edge - Documentation of Industrial Edge APIs - CLI tools - Industrial Edge - References - APIs

Industrial Edge Platform Operation - APIs & References

Industrial Edge
en-US (original)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Connectivity Suite Registry
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Naming convention according:
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

syntax = "proto3";

package siemens.connectivitysuite.registry.v1;

// Discovery (Registry) Interface Definitions

// ===========================================
// The Services Definition
service RegistryApi
    // Possible return values
    // - OK
    rpc RegisterService( RegisterServiceRequest ) returns( RegisterServiceResponse ) {}

    // Possible return values
    // - OK
    // - NOT_FOUND - service with the provided key was not registered
    rpc UnregisterService( UnregisterServiceRequest ) returns( UnregisterServiceResponse ) {}

    // Possible return values
    // - OK
    rpc QueryRegisteredServices( QueryRegisteredServicesRequest ) returns( QueryRegisteredServicesResponse ) {}

// The key of ServiceInfo is the app_instance_id:
message ServiceInfo {
    // Mandatory: unique ID of the application
    // Examples: "s7p1", "pnioc1"
    string app_instance_id = 7;

    // Mandatory: Either 'dns_domainname' or 'ipv4_address' needs to be provided.
    // Intentionally there is no 'ipv6_address', because ipv6 without DNS will not really work.
    oneof grpc_ip {
         // DNS host name of the driver
        string dns_domainname = 1;
        // ipv4 address of the driver
        string ipv4_address = 2;

    // Mandatory: port number of gRPC interface
    uint32 grpc_ip_port_number = 3;

    // Mandatory: application type
    // +----------------------------------------------------
    // | Examples
    // +-----------------------+----------------------------
    // | "cs-driver"           | Connectivity Suite Driver
    // | "cs-gateway"          | Connectivity Suite Gateway which is configured
    // |                       | by the IIH Configurator
    // | "noncs-driver"        | Driver which supports all interfaces to be configurable
    // |                       | via IIH Configurator, but doesn't support DataApi
    // | "cs-import-converter" | Service which can convert a device-specific configuration
    // |                       | file to a 'Connectivity Suite compatible' configuration file.
    // |                       | This app is e.g. used by the IIH Configurator to let convert
    // |                       | specific config files provided by the user to compatible format
    // | "cs-tagbrowser"       | Service which can browse tags. See the 'BrowsingApi' 
    repeated string app_types = 4;

    // Mandatory: the schema identification(s) of the driver
    repeated string driver_schema_uris = 5;

// RegisterService
message RegisterServiceRequest {
    ServiceInfo info = 1;
message RegisterServiceResponse {
    // maximum time between ServiceInfo refresh in [sec]
    uint32 expire_time = 2;

// UnregisterService
// Only the following fields of 'info' are considered, the rest is ignored:
//   app_instance_id
message UnregisterServiceRequest {
    ServiceInfo info = 1;
message UnregisterServiceResponse {

// QueryRegisteredServices
// Any property which is not set, is ignored
// When a property has multiple values, any entry which matches at least one of the fields matches
// When multiple properties are set, all have to match
// Example1: return all apps which have either app_type "cs-driver" or "cs-gateway":
//   .app_types = ["cs-driver", "cs-gateway"]
// Example2: return all apps which have app_type "cs-import-converter"
//  and uri="":
//   .app_types = ["cs-import-converter"]
//   .driver_schema_uris = [""]
message ServiceInfoFilter {
    // unique ID(s) of the application
    // Examples: "s7p1", "pnioc1"
    repeated string app_instance_ids = 2;

    // application types
    // Examples "cs-driver" or "cs-gateway"
    // (see 'ServiceInfo.app_types')
    repeated string app_types = 3;

    // the schema identification(s) of the driver
    repeated string driver_schema_uris = 4;
message QueryRegisteredServicesRequest {
    ServiceInfoFilter filter = 1;
message QueryRegisteredServicesResponse {
    repeated ServiceInfo infos = 1;