Example 3 - Triangular wave using IIH Essentials - Manual - IIH SDK - Industrial Edge - IIH Software Suite

IIH SDK Documentation

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en-US (original)

This creates an application to form a triangular wave using IIH Essentials and IIH Simulator as a service to get data from a PLC and visualize that data using Streamlit.

  1. Create your app:

    • Enter the name and description of your application.

    • Define the service name and select "IIH Essentials" from the drop-down menu.

  2. Generate the source code and download the .zip file.

  3. Go to "Test your Application" in the navigation.
  4. Start the IIH Essentials and IIH Essentials Simulator services.
  5. Configure the PLC to send the data to IIH Essentials, which can then send data to the app.
  6. Open the IIH Essentials Simulator UI.
  7. Create a new tag as follows:

    1. Add a simulation group.
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    2. Define the following configuration and create it:

      • Period: 1 minute
      • Cycle: 1 second

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  8. Add a new simulation variable to the created group as follows:

    1. Click "Create".
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    2. Set the name to "Sinus."

    3. Set the type to "Int."
    4. Add a simulation.
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    5. Configure it as follows:

      • Choose "sinus."
      • Period: 1 minute
      • Amplitude: 20
      • Zeropoint: 0

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    6. Click "Save."

    7. Click "Create."
  9. Transfer the tag to IIH Essentials as follows:

    To connect the tag to the IIH Essentials, follow these steps:

    1. Open the IIH Essentials UI.
    2. Go to connectors and configure the connector to get the data from the simulation.

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      If configured correctly, it should look like this:

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    3. Create a new asset with the following configuration and add it:

      • Name: Example Asset

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    4. Create a Variable with the following configuration and add it:

      • Connector: Simulation Connector
      • Choose the created Tag "New Simulation Group/Sinus."