This creates an application to form a triangular wave using IIH Essentials and IIH Simulator as a service to get data from a PLC and visualize that data using Streamlit.
Create your app:
Enter the name and description of your application.
Define the service name and select "IIH Essentials" from the drop-down menu.
Generate the source code and download the .zip file.
- Go to "Test your Application" in the navigation.
- Start the IIH Essentials and IIH Essentials Simulator services.
- Configure the PLC to send the data to IIH Essentials, which can then send data to the app.
- Open the IIH Essentials Simulator UI.
Create a new tag as follows:
- Add a simulation group.
Define the following configuration and create it:
- Period: 1 minute
- Cycle: 1 second
- Add a simulation group.
Add a new simulation variable to the created group as follows:
Click "Create".
Set the name to "Sinus."
- Set the type to "Int."
Add a simulation.
Configure it as follows:
- Choose "sinus."
- Period: 1 minute
- Amplitude: 20
- Zeropoint: 0
Click "Save."
- Click "Create."
Transfer the tag to IIH Essentials as follows:
To connect the tag to the IIH Essentials, follow these steps:
- Open the IIH Essentials UI.
Go to connectors and configure the connector to get the data from the simulation.
If configured correctly, it should look like this:
Create a new asset with the following configuration and add it:
- Name: Example Asset
Create a Variable with the following configuration and add it:
- Connector: Simulation Connector
- Choose the created Tag "New Simulation Group/Sinus."