Default data types in Industrial Edge - Manual - Ethernet IP Connector - Industrial Edge - Industrial Edge App

Ethernet IP Connector

Ethernet IP Connector
Product Version
en-US (original)

In the current version of the Common Configurator, the Connectivity Suite data types are published as standard Industrial Edge data types. A different configuration data type is not possible in the current version of Common Configurator.

Connectivity Suite data type Industrial Edge data type
Bool Bool
UInt16 UInt
Int16 Int
UInt32 UDInt
Int32 DInt
UInt64 ULInt
Int64 LInt
Float32 Real
Float64 LReal
String String

The Connectivity Suite data type is converted to the appropriate Industrial Edge data type. You can also configure the Databus Gateway manually. You find the configuration file in the Management tab of the Databus Gateway app.