Description - Manual - Energy Manager - Industrial Edge - Industrial Edge App

Energy Manager

Energy Manager
Product Version
en-US (original)

As soon as you have created a model, an MVR dashboard is automatically created for the asset. You can create multiple models each for different input parameters.

The available models are grouped and visualized by parameter in this dashboard.

Same time stamp required for variables

All variables in use must have synchronous time stamps for the values. The same type of aggregation must be selected for each variable to ensure synchronicity of the time stamps.

Only use parameters with numerical data types

Multivariable regression is expressed through a mathematical formula. This means only variables with numerical values (Int32, Double, etc.) are permitted as parameters.

A parameter of String type can be additionally selected, for example, to designate production sections in the visualization by a descriptive name. Only the aggregation "Last" type is available for parameters of String type.