Function overview - Manual - Energy Manager - Industrial Edge - Industrial Edge App

Energy Manager

Energy Manager
en-US (original)
Product Version

The App Energy Manager for Industrial Edge provides you with information about how much energy has been consumed at any time online:

  • You have access to the consumption data of machines and plants worldwide.
  • Transparent energy management data to ISO 50001
  • With individual KPI types and user-specific dashboards, you are creating a complete overview of the energy consumption of your machines, plants or entire production facilities from which you can subsequently derive measures for energy efficiency.
  • In addition to the KPI type and KPI instance application in combination, you can also create a KPI instance directly at the asset in the Energy Manager without having defined a KPI type beforehand.
  • In the detail view of the widgets, you can create quick media analyses.
  • Transparent listing of energy costs, energy consumption and CO2 emissions of individual machines and all your production facilities around the globe. (Energy media analysis)
  • You obtain valuable information on peaks in energy consumption, for example, to make informed decisions regarding optimization of energy efficiency and reducing energy costs.

The Energy Manager will help you make the transition from energy transparency to energy efficiency. The recorded energy data will provide you with more planning reliability. You optimize processes and plants by analyzing and documenting the energy consumption together with the process data, such as temperatures, pressures, etc. Use the collected energy data to make your procurement process even more precise.

If your plant is already energy-efficient, you can use the Energy Manager to ensure that it will stay this way. For example, you can quickly detect whether a filter is contaminated and replace it.

A dashboard is available for data and energy media analysis. Depending on your needs, you can use a variety of widget types on the dashboard:
