Aggregation types - Manual - Energy Manager - Industrial Edge - Industrial Edge App
Energy Manager
- Product
- Energy Manager
- Edition
- 07/2024
- Language
- en-US (original)
- Product Version
- v1.18
- Single value aggregations
A variable is aggregated by specifying the aggregation method and the calculation period. The result is a value that represents the values of the period for the respective aggregation.
Calculation period: from[to], from exclusive, to inclusive
Example: "I want the 'sum' of 'Variable X' from '2022 to 2023' to be calculated." => 1 value is returned that represents the summed values of the year.
Use the API "DataService/Calculate" to calculate single value aggregations.
- Aggregation of multiple values
A single-value aggregation can be calculated multiple times for a specific period. The aggregation of multiple values is defined by the period and the aggregations of the individual values (consisting of calculation period and aggregation method). The result is multiple values where each value represents the values in this calculation period for the respective aggregation.
Example: "I want the 'sum' of 'Variable X' to be calculated every day 'from 2022 to 2023'." => 365 values are returned, where each value represents the summed values of one day.
Use the API "DataService/CalculateTrend" to calculate aggregations of multiple values.
- Precalculated aggregations
Aggregations can be planned in such a way that they are performed continuously in the background. The other two aggregation types are calculated on request. This aggregation type enables calculation of aggregations on 'new-value-written'. That reduces the return time of the request and distributes the resource usage according to the written rate values, which prevents the peaks that occur with the other two aggregation types.
A precalculated aggregation is defined using an aggregation and a desired execution cycle. The result is an additional sub-variable that stores the aggregation of each cycle.
Example: "I want the 'sum' of 'Variable X' to be calculated 'every day'." => A new sub-variable is created in which a new value is stored every day that represents the summed values of the day.