Description - Manual - Energy Manager - Industrial Edge - Industrial Edge App

Energy Manager

Energy Manager
en-US (original)
Product Version

The abbreviation KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator.

A KPI type is a formula made up of operands, constants and operators. The definition and calculation of KPI types are plant-specific.

Example of a KPI type:

  • Quality rate = Good Items / Total Items * 100

A KPI instance can be created either during the widget configuration in the "Parameter" step, or in the parameter list on the asset. The KPI instance can

  • be derived from a KPI type (typed)
  • or can be created typeless.

KPI types can be instantiated multiple times. When you make changes to the KPI type, these changes are also implemented in all KPI instances.

Data in the buffer

The KPIs are saved in a cache. If values in the platform were overwritten in the past (except for the current and last hour), it may take up to one hour before you can see the data or KPIs and aggregations based on them.