Personal data - Manual - Connector for IEC 60870-5-104 - Industrial Edge - Industrial Edge App - Connector for IEC 60870-5-104 transfers data from IEC devices over TCP/IP network to the Databus or IIH, allowing the values of these tags to be analyzed and visualized in applications like Performance Insight. - Connectivity suite connector - Connector for IEC 60870-5-104 - Data transfer - IEC 60870-5-104 - International Electrotechnical Commission - TCP/IP network

Connector for IEC 60870-5-104

Connector for IEC 60870-5-104
Product Version
en-US (original)

The product processes / stores the following personal data:

  • Databus access data
  • Tag data and metadata of field devices

!!! info "NOTE" NOTE Protection of personal data
If you link the above data with other data (e.g. shift schedules) or if you store personal data on the same medium (e.g. hard disk) and thus create a personal reference, you must ensure that the data protection guidelines are observed.